TNF drives Alzheimer's disease-related neuronal cycle events

October 17, 2013:

Further experimental evidence implicating excess TNF (tumor necrosis factor-alpha) as centrally involved in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease has published. The article is entitled “Microglial derived tumor necrosis factor-alpha drives Alzheimer’s disease-related neuronal cycle events“.  The new study, from scientists at the Department of Molecular Genetics and Microbiology, University of New Mexico, provides further support for the scientific rationale proposed by Edward Tobinick M.D in 1999 (U.S. patent 6,177,077)  and later elaborated in subsequent publications (for published reviews, please see Edward Tobinick, Tumour necrosis factor modulation for treatment of Alzheimer’s disease: rationale and current evidence. CNS Drugs, 2009. 23(9): p. 713-25; Clark, I.A., L.M. Alleva, and B. Vissel, The roles of TNF in brain dysfunction and disease. Pharmacol Ther, 2010. 128(3): p. 519-48; and Tobinick, E., Current Alzheimer Research, 2012. 9(1): p. 99-109.

The abstract of the new article concludes “….. Together our data suggest a cell-autonomous role of microglia, and identify TNF-alpha as the responsible cytokine, in promoting neuronal CCEs in the pathogenesis of AD”.

This new data joins data published in September 2013 from UCSF implicating excess TNF in the pathogenesis of another form of dementia, semantic variant Primary Progressive Aphasia (PPA). Dr. Tobinick reported the rapid clinical response of a patient with PPA to TNF inhibition in 2008 (Tobinick, E., …..rapid improvement in primary progressive aphasia: identification of a novel, rapidly reversible TNF-mediated pathophysiologic mechanism. Medscape J Med, 2008. 10(6): p. 135). TNF modulation is utilized at the INR off-label. Individual results can vary. Please see the Terms of Use.

Charlie and Cheryll reunite with Dr. Tobinick at the INR Los Angeles July 2013

Charlie and Cheryll at the INR 100 UCLA Medical Plaza Los Angeles July 2013
Charlie and Cheryll at the INR 100 UCLA Medical Plaza Los Angeles July 2013

3 years after filming the 60 Minutes Australia documentary, entitled “A New Shot at Life” Charlie and Cheryll reunite with Dr. Tobinick at the INR in Los Angeles. To view the 60 Minutes documentary, click here or here.

Basic Science News: TNF inhibition reduces neurovascular injury after Intracerebral Hemorrhage

TNF-alpha receptor antagonist, R-7050, improves neurological outcomes following intracerebral hemorrhage in mice

Melanie D. King,
Cargill H. Alleyne Jr.,
Krishnan M. Dhandapani
Department of Neurosurgery, Medical College of Georgia, Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, USA

Intracerebral hemorrhage (ICH), the most common form of hemorrhagic stroke, exhibits the highest acute mortality and the worst long-term prognosis of all stroke subtypes. Unfortunately, treatment options for ICH are lacking due in part to a lack of feasible therapeutic targets. Inflammatory activation is associated with neurological deficits in pre-clinical ICH models and with patient deterioration after clinical ICH. In the present study, we tested the hypothesis that R-7050, a novel cell permeable triazoloquinoxaline inhibitor of the tumor necrosis factor receptor (TNFR) complex, attenuates neurovascular injury after ICH in mice. Up to 2 h post-injury administration of R-7050 significantly reduced blood–brain barrier opening and attenuated edema development at 24 h post-ICH. Neurological outcomes were also improved over the first 3 days after injury. In contrast, R-7050 did not reduce hematoma volume, suggesting the beneficial effects of TNFR inhibition were downstream of clot formation/resolution. These data suggest a potential clinical utility for TNFR antagonists as an adjunct therapy to reduce neurological injury and improve patient outcomes after ICH.

Science News: New pathology study: Inflammation persists for years after a single traumatic brain injury

Brain. 2013 Jan;136(Pt 1):28-42. doi: 10.1093/brain/aws322.
Inflammation and white matter degeneration persist for years after a single traumatic brain injury.

Johnson VE, Stewart JE, Begbie FD, Trojanowski JQ, Smith DH, Stewart W.

Penn Centre for Brain Injury and Repair and Department of Neurosurgery, Perelman School of Medicine, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA 19104, USA.


A single traumatic brain injury is associated with an increased risk of dementia and, in a proportion of patients surviving a year or more from injury, the development of hallmark Alzheimer’s disease-like pathologies. However, the pathological processes linking traumatic brain injury and neurodegenerative disease remain poorly understood. Growing evidence supports a role for neuroinflammation in the development of Alzheimer’s disease. In contrast, little is known about the neuroinflammatory response to brain injury and, in particular, its temporal dynamics and any potential role in neurodegeneration. Cases of traumatic brain injury with survivals ranging from 10 h to 47 years post injury (n = 52) and age-matched, uninjured control subjects (n = 44) were selected from the Glasgow Traumatic Brain Injury archive. From these, sections of the corpus callosum and adjacent parasaggital cortex were examined for microglial density and morphology, and for indices of white matter pathology and integrity. With survival of ?3 months from injury, cases withtraumatic brain injury frequently displayed extensive, densely packed, reactive microglia (CR3/43- and/or CD68-immunoreactive), a pathology not seen in control subjects or acutely injured cases. Of particular note, these reactive microglia were present in 28% of cases with survival of >1 year and up to 18 years post-trauma. In cases displaying this inflammatory pathology, evidence of ongoing white matter degradation could also be observed. Moreover, there was a 25% reduction in the corpus callosum thickness with survival >1 year post-injury. These data present striking evidence of persistent inflammation and ongoing white matter degeneration for many years after just a single traumatic brain injury in humans. Future studies to determine whether inflammation occurs in response to or, conversely, promotes white matter degeneration will be important. These findings may provide parallels for studying neurodegenerative disease, withtraumatic brain injury patients serving as a model for longitudinal investigations, in particular with a view to identifying potential therapeutic interventions.

Lead story on 60 Minutes Australia is their report on perispinal etanercept for Alzheimer’s at the INR

The INR is pleased to announce that the lead story on 60 Minutes Australia on their October 16, 2011 national broadcast is their in-depth report about the results of our Alzheimer treatment program.

The transcript and full-story can be viewed here:

Many thanks to all our patients, friends, and staff that have helped to make this happen and bring this forward.

New genetic data implicates inflammatory mechanisms in Alzheimer's disease

A front-page article today (April 3, 2011) on the New York Times website reports a new discovery that again implicates inflammatory mechanisms in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease.

The link is here:…/04alzheimer.html?hp

The article begins:

“New Studies on Alzheimer’s Uncover Genetic Links
Published: April 3, 2011

The two largest studies of Alzheimer’s disease, an international analysis of genes of more than 50,000 people, have led to the discovery of five new genes that make the disease more likely in the elderly and provide tantalizing clues about what might start Alzheimer’s going and fuel its progress in a person’s brain.

The new genes add to a possible theme: so far genes that increase Alzheimer’s risk in the elderly tend to be involved with cholesterol and with inflammation. They also may be used to transport molecules inside cells.

For years, there have been unproven but persistent hints that cholesterol and inflammation are part of the disease process. People with high cholesterol were more likely to get Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, strokes and head injuries, which make Alzheimer’s more likely, also cause brain inflammation….”

The article continues with more discussion. For further background, please consider what is generally known about inflammation and TNF, an immune signaling molecule that is the master regulator of the inflammatory immune response in the human body.

TNF initiates, amplifies, and prolongs the inflammatory response. See the Wikipedia entry:

“Tumor necrosis factor promotes the inflammatory response, which, in turn, causes many of the clinical problems associated with autoimmune disorders such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, inflammatory bowel disease, psoriasis, hidradenitis suppurativa and refractory asthma. These disorders are sometimes treated by using a TNF inhibitor.”

The NY Times story reports the association of both AD and stroke with inflammatory mechanisms. This association was previously reported in the INR’s recent article in the journal CNS Drugs. In the CNS Drugs article Edward Tobinick MD, Founder of the INR, documented rapid improvement in neurological deficits produced by stroke following the use of the INR’s patented local method of administration of etanercept. Etanercept is a potent biologic antagonist of TNF.

The new Nature Genetics article provides strong new evidence generated by collaborative research from leading Alzheimer research centers that supports the role of inflammatory mechanisms in AD and points to a direction for future research.

Anti-TNF Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Could Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

In the News: November 7, 2010

Anti-TNF Therapies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Could Reduce Alzheimer’s Risk

Source: American College of Rheumatology (ACR)

Newswise — Anti-TNF therapies commonly used to treat rheumatoid arthritis have been found to potentially reduce the risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia among people with rheumatoid arthritis, according to research presented this week at the American College of Rheumatology Annual Scientific Meeting in Atlanta.

Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic disease that causes pain, stiffness, swelling, and destruction of the joints. People with RA often experience limitation in the motion and function of multiple joints. Though joints are the principal body parts affected by RA, inflammation can develop in other organs as well. An estimated 1.3 million Americans have RA, and the disease typically affects women twice as often as men.

A complication of chronic inflammation in RA is amyloidosis, caused by excess deposits of amyloid proteins in different organs, which can cause harmful effects to the normal function of many organs. While people with Alzheimer’s disease are found to have local deposits of a type of amyloid protein—beta-amyloid peptide—in the brain, the actual cause of Alzheimer’s remains unclear.

Researchers recently set out to evaluate if there is a relationship between different treatments for RA and the incidence of Alzheimer’s dementia. They reviewed medical and pharmacy claims data of over eight million subjects in the U.S. from a commercial database (Verisk Health). A total of 42,193 people with RA were identified. Each RA subject with newly diagnosed Alzheimer’s dementia was compared to 10 people with RA who did not have Alzheimer’s dementia (called “controls”). As researchers made these comparisons, they ensured they were comparing people of the same age, gender, and with the same use of methotrexate, a medication commonly used for RA. Researchers examined the exposure of these individuals to several drugs used to treat RA including sulfasalazine, prednisone, three anti-TNFs (infliximab, etanercept, and adalimumab) and rituximab.

A total of 165 RA subjects with Alzheimer’s dementia were compared to 1,383 RA controls without Alzheimer’s dementia. Researchers found that those who received anti-TNF treatment had a 55 percent reduction in risk of developing Alzheimer’s dementia. This effect was not seen with other drugs used for treatment of RA, including sulfasalazine, prednisone and rituximab


The researchers concluded that anti-TNF agents used to treat people with RA may be useful in reducing the development of Alzheimer’s dementia, although the mechanisms need further investigation.

“In this study, the incidence of Alzheimer’s disease was found to be lower in patients with rheumatoid arthritis who had been treated with anti-TNF agents,” says Dr. Richard Chou, MD, PhD; assistant professor at Dartmouth Medical School and lead investigator in the study. “Although the cause of Alzheimer’s disease is not known, the results suggest that TNF may play a role in its development.”

TNF-antagonists (also called biologics or anti-TNF therapy) are a class of drugs that have been used since 1998. Overall, they have been given to more than 600,000 people worldwide. These drugs are given to lessen inflammation by interfering with a biologic substance called TNF that cause or worsen inflammation.

Patients should talk to their rheumatologists to determine their best course of treatment.

The American College of Rheumatology is an international professional medical society that represents more than 8,000 rheumatologists and rheumatology health professionals around the world. Its mission is to advance rheumatology. The ACR/ARHP Annual Scientific Meeting is the premier meeting in rheumatology. For more information about the meeting, visit or join the conversation on Twitter by using the official hashtag: #ACR2010.


Editor’s Notes: Richard C. Chou, MD, PhD will present this research during the ACR Annual Scientific Meeting at the Georgia World Congress Center at 2:30 PM on Monday, November 8 in Room A411. Dr. Chou will be available for media questions and briefing at 1:30 PM on Tuesday, November 9 in the on-site press conference room, B 212.

Presentation Number: 640

Tumor Necrosis Factor Inhibition Reduces the Incidence of Alzheimer’s Disease in Rheumatoid Arthritis Patients

Richard C Chou, MD, PhD (Section of Rheumatology, Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center and Dartmouth Medical School, Lebanon, NH)

Michael A Kane, MD (Division of Rheumatology, Allergy and Immunology, Massachusetts General Hospital and Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Boston, MA)

Sanjay Ghimire, MD (Verisk Health, Waltham, MA)

Shiva Gautam, PhD (Department of Medicine, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA)

Body: Objective: To investigate the relationship between different rheumatoid arthritis treatments and Alzheimer’s dementia

Background: A complication of chronic inflammation in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is the deposition of amyloid proteins, resulting in secondary amyloidosis. Alzheimer’s dementia (AD) is associated with the local deposition of beta-amyloid peptide in the brain, although the pathogenetic mechanisms of AD are unclear. The relationship between RA and AD has not been established.

Design/Methods: We reviewed medical and pharmacy claims data from January 2000 to November 2007 for a commercially insured cohort of 8.5 million adults throughout the US. We derived a subcohort of 42,193 patients with a pre-existing diagnosis of RA. In this subcohort, we conducted a nested case-control study of the incidence of AD. We excluded individuals with psoriatic arthritis, inflammatory bowel disease, previous stroke or previous AD. For each individual with newly diagnosed AD (cases) we matched up to 10 controls who did not have a prior diagnosis of AD and were free of AD during the exposure assessment period. Matching criteria included age, gender, duration of exposure assessment period and methotrexate treatment. We examined exposure to sulfasalazine, prednisone, three anti-tumor necrosis factor (TNF) agents (infliximab, etanercept, adalimumab) and rituximab.

Results: In this nested case-control study, a total of 165 patients with AD (cases) were matched to 1,383 controls without AD. Treatment with anti-TNF agents in RA was associated with lower risk for incident AD [adjusted odds ratio (OR) 0.440; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.223-0.868; p=0. 0178). The risk of AD was not affected by exposure to sulfasalazine, prednisone or rituximab. The results were similar [adjusted OR 0.448; 95% CI 0.225-0.892; p = 0.0222) after adjustment for covariates, including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, diabetes mellitus, peripheral vascular disease, and coronary artery disease.

Conclusion: In this population of adults with RA, we observed that the risk of AD was reduced by TNF inhibitor therapy, but not by other disease modifying agents used for treatment of RA. Tumor necrosis factor may be an important component in the pathogenesis of AD.

Disclosure: Richard Chou, nothing to disclose; Michael Kane, Verisk Health: Consulting fees; Shiva Gautama, nothing to disclose, Sanjay Ghirmire, Verisk Health: Employment (full or part-time).

Welcome to the INR Blog

Welcome to the INR Blog!

This Blog is still in development. The aim of this blog is to add further scientific information to the content of the INR website as soon as it becomes available. If possible in the future postings and comments from website visitors will be enabled. Thank you for your interest.

Edward Tobinick MD

Recent published research results:

Anti-TNF-alpha reduces amyloid plaques and tau phosphorylation and induces CD11c-positive dendritic-like cell in the APP/PS1 transgenic mouse brains. Shi JQ, Shen W, Chen J, Wang BR, Zhong LL, Zhu YW, Zhu HQ, Zhang QQ, Zhang YD, Xu J. Brain Res. 2010 Oct 21.
Inflammation plays an important role in the pathogenesis of Alzheimer’s disease (AD). Overexpression of tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) occurs in the AD brain. Recent clinical studies have shown that the anti-TNF-alpha therapy improves cognition function of AD patients rapidly. However, the underlying mechanism remains elusive. The present study investigates the effects of intracerebroventricular injection of the monoclonal TNF-alpha antibody, Infliximab, on the pathological features of AD in the APP/PS1 double transgenic mice. We found that Infliximab administration reduced the levels of TNF-alpha, amyloid plaques and tau phosphorylation as early as three days after daily injection of 150micrograms of Infliximab for three days. The number of CD11c-positive dendritic-like cells and the expression of CD11c were found to be increased concurrently after Infliximab injection. These data suggested that the CD11c-positive dendritic-like cells might contribute to the Infliximab-induced reduction of AD-like pathology. Further, our results support the use of anti-TNF-alpha for the treatment of AD. Continue reading