Immediate improvement in chronic post-stroke pain 2 years after stroke at the INR, Boca Raton, November 20, 2018

Immediate improvement in chronic post-stroke pain 2 years after stroke. Treatment by Edward Tobinick, filmed November 20, 2018, at the INR in Boca Raton. 4K version, with subtitles. Text, images and video © 2018, INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

Rapid Improvement in Walking, Balance, Tone & Cognition 3 Years After Stroke

From Kentucky to the INR in Boca Raton, Florida. Published July 16, 2018.

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

From Papua New Guinea, Dancing 2 Years After Stroke, at the INR, January 2018

Click here to see Part 1.

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

Immediate Relief of Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain, January 2018

Request a consultation today
Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

“I feel happy again!” after Treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, December 2017

Husband discusses wife’s improvement after treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, in December of 2017.

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Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

From Iceland: Walking & Post-Stroke Pain Improvement 2 years after Stroke at the INR, Nov. 2017

From Iceland, improvement in walking and dramatic reduction in post-stroke pain after treatment at the INR in Boca Raton, Florida, two years after stroke, November 2017. One week phone follow-up appointment is included.

Request a consultation today
Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

Rapid Improvement in Post-Stroke Pain 17 months after Stroke at the INR, November 2017

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment is innovative (“off-label”). Terms of Use

Rapid Relief of Intractable Post-Stroke Shoulder Pain 8 Years After Intracerebral Hemorrhage, February 2017

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment for these indications is innovative (“off-label”). Please see the Terms of Use. The method of off-label treatment utilized is a patented invention of the INR. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Rapid Improvement in Post-Stroke Pain 2 Years After Stroke, February 2017

After treatment at the INR in Boca Raton in February 2017.

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment for these indications is innovative (“off-label”). Please see the Terms of Use. The method of off-label treatment utilized is a patented invention of the INR. Copyright 2017 INR PLLC, all rights reserved.

Immediate Relief of 5 years of Chronic Stroke Pain After Treatment at the INR, September 2016

Disclaimer: Individual results vary, not all patients respond. Additional doses may be necessary to maintain the clinical response. Treatment for these indications is innovative (“off-label”). Please see the Terms of Use. The method of off-label treatment utilized is a patented invention of the INR.